
Feminist Blogs and Environmental Activism

Hi everyone, my name is Jillian, I am a political science major and WGS minor. This is my last semester at UMD. The Crunk Feminist Collective grabbed my attention immediately, their tag line is “Where Crunk Meets Conscious and Feminism Meets Cool”, over the course of my time at UMD all of the WGS

classes have spoken about the importance of having an intersectional lens in these spaces. One of their latest blog posts was on the reparations for Black women.


Environmental issues that may intersect through my day to day: There is a new gas pipeline proposed for the surrounding cities that I live in. Eversource is the energy company trying to revamp one pipeline and build another through two local cities through what they are calling the Western Mass Reliability Project. There have been local environmental activists that are protesting the pipeline. I have included some links to the local media that is covering these events. This pipeline, if approved by the state, will go through the city I live and also into another city I work in. There is a massive environmental activism community where I live.

This entry was posted on January 23, 2023. 5 Comments